registration procedure
- The costs range from €. 350.00 for instrument master classes, €. 450.00 for those of composition. The workshops cost €. 120.00. All fees are inclusive of registration to the Association.
- The inscriptions must be received without delay by May 31, 2019.
- To partecipate to the courses it is necessary to register itself and downloading and signing the schedule on the website and sending it by email to, attaching the payment receipt. All students have to attach their academic curriculum.The courses will be activated only and exclusively to achieve a minimum number of students for teacher (from 5 to 15 depending on the subjects and their technical needs). To make it easier for the organization to evaluate whether or not courses have been activated, it is suggested to pay 50% of the registration fee at the time of pre-registration and the balance within the deadline of May, 31 2019.
For Marco Testoni’s course, registrations are open until there are
The transfer to access at the courses must be done to
Assisi Suono Sacro
c/o Banca Prossima
IBAN: IT09U0335967684510700202188
bic swift bcititmx
For no European students the payment can be done by paypall ( For further informations
Causal: Assisi Suono Sacro 2019 + name of the student and the type of course
For Regulations and registration form click and download:
If the course is not activated due to insufficient members or due to force majeure by the Association or the teacher, the registration fee will be fully reimbursed to the students. For non-resident students it is possible to find accommodation in a series of affiliated hotels (Hotel San Rufino and affiliates) and near the classrooms at a cost of € (overnight, breakfast, lunch and dinner). 50.00 per day. For reservations: and copy putting ACCADEMIA ASSISI SUONO SACRO into the object.

FOUNDING MEMBERS: Andrea Ceccomori, Lorenza Somogyi Bianchi, Matteo Silva ARTISTIC DIRECTION: Andrea Ceccomori COORDINATION ARTISTIC: Maria Chiara Fiorucci ESECUTIVE PRODUCTION: PRESS OFFICE: Studio Alfa
For any information and curiosity, you can write to
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