- Body and emotions in the musical communication Giacomo Grandi (August 6-7 ): Seminar for performers and singers
- The cellist and the body : Giacomo Grandi (august 5 ): Masterclass for cellists
- Yoga: from external sound to internal sound Alessandro Ortona ( July 25 luglio August 7 ). open to everybody
- Breathing coordination, Karen Saillant: (august 7 ) From ’International Opera Theatre of Philadelphia, a seminar about breathing for musicians and actors.
- The music way (open to everybody) , Andrea Ceccomori (august 2 ): the music as a part of constitution of man and the world
- The enlightened artist, Andrea Ceccomori (august 1 ): a possible way to the enlightened musician
- The song of the word, from bossa nova to the modern spiritual music: Reis ( august 3-4 ): vocal practice for intercultural music
- Harmonic song, Matteo Silva (august 2-3 ): the overtones in the song, open to everybody
- Composition masterclass: Orlando Jacinto Garcia (Florida International University) e Aldo Brizzi ( august 3 )